Department of Pathology and Laboratories

The department performs its task of caring for patients through its responsibility for clinical laboratory examinations in the hospital, as it covers a wide range of medical laboratory tests for patients and works as a reference laboratory for the northern region of Jordan, where the laboratory receives (265 thousand) annual references annually from outside the hospital to carry out examinations and more than (310) A) annual auditors from inside the hospital and the laboratory is characterized by providing high-quality service with reasonable economic cost for examinations and in line with the hospital’s policy and mission, the department provides services with high quality standards in terms of reliability and accuracy of results and daily and monthly follow-ups of results through the internal and external quality control system.

 The department is also distinguished by the presence of the latest laboratory equipment that is being continuously updated, with the laboratory participating in the research of university students and specialist doctors, while working to receive medical laboratory students for training from the Jordan University of Science and Technology and public and private universities. The laboratory staff consists of consultants, residents and technicians qualified for inclusion. The largest possible number of medical examinations, and the laboratory is divided into the following divisions:

Division of reception and blood drawing

 This division provides the service of receiving patients to draw blood, making the tests required by doctors from outside the hospital, receiving inpatient samples in departments and patients from the hospital’s various clinics, ensuring that the samples are correct, matching, and distributing them to the laboratory divisions.

Microbiology Division

 The laboratories of this division work to isolate bacterial and fungal germs from different patient samples and identify them to determine the pathogens of the disease and then conduct tests for the sensitivity of these germs to antibiotics to choose the appropriate treatment.

 In addition to the above, the division's laboratories examine the samples of the infection control committee in the hospital to identify the sources of dangerous germs and then control their spread by isolating patients and various sterilization methods.

 The Division operated a second (Bact Alert) device for blood transplantation tests, which led to doubling the laboratory capacity of these samples and ensuring the continuity and promise of interruption of this basic laboratory service. A (Real Time PCR) device used in diagnosing important viral diseases such as (H1N1) was also brought in and work is underway. Work is currently underway to choose a modern device for automatic urinalysis, chemically and microscopically, which will increase the accuracy and speed of conducting these basic laboratory tests and keep pace with the large increase in their numbers.

 The division laboratories also continue to participate in the external quality program with the Ministry of Health and achieve excellent results.

The Division has partnered with the World Health Organization in various projects, including:

  •  Standardizing Standard Operating Procedures for Pathogen Identification, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing and Quality Control.
  •  Principles and methods of Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance.
  •  Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance.
  •  HAI surveillance with WHO.
  •  Proof of principle surveillance with WHO.
  •  The Division is participating in the National Plan for Antimicrobial Resistance by conducting a triple survey of microbes in the environmental, animal and human fields.

Division of Hematology

 This division provides a set of routine and specialized tests that help in the accurate diagnosis of many pathologies such as anemia, leukemia, lymphomas, hemorrhagic diseases, and hypercoagulation. The branch also conducts a thalassemia examination using modern technology (Capillary Electrophoresis) and platelet function tests (plate function) It also provides field training for Jordanian university students.

Pathology and Flow Cell Division

 The division carries out the task of patient care and its laboratory works as a regional disease laboratory for northern Jordan. The division is committed to providing a wide range of high-level examinations at encouraging prices, as the department adopts a technique that strengthened routine practice where:

  •  The department receives samples from northern Jordan to study tissues, cells and bone marrow tests
  •  The department implements internal and external quality control schemes
  •  The department is also distinguished by its proficiency in the field of education, training and scientific research.
  •  The department works on adding many tests continuously, which help in the accurate diagnosis of many cancers
  •  The Flow Cell Laboratory provides a service for determining the type of many different blood tumors, lymphomas and immunological diseases.
  •  The IHC tests have been updated to be fully automated to give better accuracy and results.
  •  The division also provides field training for Jordanian university students, doctors and technicians from all Middle East hospitals.

Blood Bank Division

 The Blood Bank Division is one of the most important blood banks in Jordan, and it is a major source of blood and its components, as it provides blood transfusion services and its components such as (concentrated blood, fresh plasma, platelets, and cold precipitators) with the highest standards of quality and accuracy, starting from drawing blood from donors and ending with giving the unit to the patient where All laboratory tests are performed to ensure the safety of the patient and include routine examinations and examinations for infectious diseases, in addition to routine blood bank tests such as (blood group, phenotype, direct coombs test, indirect coombs test, cross-match).

 The blood bank has witnessed a remarkable and significant expansion in the field of providing blood transfusion services and its components, so that it has become self-sufficient and is able to give and supply other banks, humanitarian organizations, relief organizations and humanitarian organizations in case they need blood and its derivatives.

There has also been a high-quality transfusion and a major development in the field of plate donation (single donor aphaeresis), and it has become a routine examination that is carried out on a daily basis and on a large scale, which has contributed to saving the lives of many patients and improving their health status, in addition to that, the blood bank has been proactive and at the level of the kingdom by conducting blood exchange Completely automatic for patients with sickle cell anemia

 The number of units withdrawn for regular donors reached nearly 10,000 donors, and the number of infectious disease examinations reached 55,000, including regular donors and platelet donors, and the number of blood type tests that were performed for the units and for the purposes of checking compatibility and morphology was 27,900, and the number of CBC tests reached 11,000, and the number of compatibility tests reached 19987 examination, A total of 193 SINGLE DONER cases were performed, meaning that 386 SINGLE DONER units were provided, given that each session consisted of two units, in addition to the tests that are regularly requested on the patients' computerized system, such as blood type, blood fracture tests and other examinations.

 This blood bank keeps pace with everything new in the field of blood banks, as it always seeks to introduce advanced tests such as PCR, and the goal is to provide the highest levels of accuracy and safety in blood transfusions.

Division of Biochemistry and Hormones

 The Division provides all routine and special examinations, such as drug tests, including (Methotrexate), which are performed on a daily basis and around the clock, which help in diagnosing various disease cases through a qualified and trained staff capable of continuous technical dealing with the existing advanced analysis devices and the interpretation of the results and their evaluation through review each Checked separately.

 The Division continues medical developments through the tireless effort to develop analysis devices to provide high-quality service in less time and to introduce new specialized examinations that support medical diagnosis and assistance, and the division seeks to maintain the quality level within it through the application of internal quality programs and participation in external programs to continue The division remains at the forefront of the advanced centers in the world, which it has registered in previous years

 New tests have also been introduced to meet the needs of patients and keep pace with the progress of laboratory tests in support of medical diagnosis, namely:

  •  Anti-Mullerian Hormone
  •  AMH

 The division provides some tests that have been suspended for years for problems related to the devices and the sensitivity of the substance itself, such as the DIGOXIN test and the AMMONIA LEVEL test, which is one of the most accurate tests currently in the division and is available around the clock.

The division also examines HBsAg during public holidays and weekends for gynecological patients, in order to first detect this disease and conduct treatment plan for newborns if necessary.

 X-rays have introduced a new device that is considered one of the most accurate devices for examining cumulative sugar, in addition to being one of the most important reference methods for measuring cumulative glucose, especially in some cases of blood diseases in which it is difficult to obtain a result of cumulative glucose.

Quality Quality Division

 This division was created to implement a high-level internal and external quality system, which includes all laboratory tests in all laboratory divisions in order to ensure the accuracy of patient results.

 To achieve this, the Division does the following:

  •  Follow up the calibration of laboratory equipment
  •  Follow up the results of internal and external quality checks
  •  Conduct a statistical analysis of the external quality results and highlight the laboratory's achievement for each test with a clear graph
  •  Auditing and follow-up of the people to ensure the continuity of adherence to the laboratory and hospital policies.
  •  The introduction of a Point of Care Policy, in which laboratory tests that take place outside the laboratory (the patient's side) are monitored and whose result depends on the doctor to take the appropriate action with the patient.
  •  The division participates with external accreditations for the laboratory such as (CAP Accreditation), which ensure the application of all standards for the quality of laboratory tests.
  •  The division has introduced a modern system for checking the internal quality from the international company biorad called (Unity-Real time), whereby all the paper files for the internal quality results have been replaced by entering them electronically with follow-up for all the results and comparing them globally after the follow-up was only internal.
  •  Introducing new internal and external quality programs such as urine chemistry program and other programs to improve performance and follow-up.
  •  A new policy has been issued, namely (POCT) POINT OF CARE TEST POLICY, to follow up the laboratory devices distributed in the hospital departments for the purpose of conducting some tests, including: blood gases, diabetes test and urine protein examination, for a quick and direct treatment for the patient. Information Systems Department. The Division participated in the POCT Committee.

The division carries out the following on an ongoing basis:

  •  Monitoring all laboratory tests by using internal and external quality tests and national programs, which work periodically to indicate the accuracy and validity of the results, after which a report of the results can be made and approved by the head of the laboratory department.
  •  Approval of new laboratory materials and equipment that are supplied to the laboratory.
  •  Review and adjust the reference values for all laboratory tests.
  •  Follow-up of laboratory equipment through the maintenance sheet for each device daily.
  •  The Quality Quality Division in the laboratory communicates with the central quality department in the hospital through the quality coordinator for accreditation programs (national HCAC, international JCIA, ISO 9001) to apply the international and national standards of the laboratory department while following up the implementation of these standards for workers in the laboratory department through policies that are prepared in Laboratory department and are reviewed and modified along with the policy coordinator in the central quality department.
  •  Determining the risks in the laboratory and reviewing them with the risk coordinator in the Central Quality Department and following them up through the public safety committees.
  •  Follow-up of the laboratory department indicators, which are concerned with the time required to produce the results of the tests (performance indicators) TAT, which includes all the divisions and indicators (critical values) for emergency examinations from the emergency department such as CK, Troponin T, Hemoglobin, to check the performance and continuity of the tests, take corrective action to them, and provide Indicators coordinator in the quality department monthly.
  •  Follow up on various scientific research by providing researchers with all forms for their examinations.
  •  The Division implemented the human resources policy by requiring medical examination for internship candidates, resident physicians, and all new employees.
  •  The Quality Division works to implement the policies of the Infection Control Division in the hospital by the following means:
  •  ** Requiring medical examination for all cafeteria employees periodically every 6 months.
  •  ** In coordination to explain, clarify and evaluate the application of infection control policies in the laboratory department.
  •  Continuous coordination with the public safety department in the hospital to train the laboratory department staff on general safety procedures for chemicals, fire, and various laboratory equipment.
  •  Coordination with the Occupational Safety Division to clarify the policy of various spills and apply occupational health standards at work.
  •  ... all laboratory personnel are trained in pulmonary resuscitation in coordination with the hospital's resuscitation center coordinator.
  •  The Quality Division is committed to attending the lectures that are coordinated by the Lectures Coordinator in the Central Quality Department, through which the latest developments in quality in the hospital are reviewed, which are held weekly during accreditation times.
  •  Preparing orders for quality control materials

Immunology and Special Examinations Division

 The division conducts immunological tests for many diseases resulting from viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, as well as diseases resulting from the immune system, as they are carried out using many modern methods and devices that depend on examining antibodies and antigens, which are produced directly after infection with the aforementioned diseases.

 These tests confirm or not confirm infection with a disease, after carrying out a series of examinations for each disease. The necessary tests are also made to find out the ability of the immune system to form antibodies to many infectious diseases after receiving the necessary vaccinations to prevent infection with these diseases.

 The division provides a service for examining infectious diseases for patients, such as (HIV.HBsAg.HCV) and examining allergies resulting from some foods, some types of pollen, mites, dust, and other types that are transmitted through the respiratory system, where the internal and external quality system is applied through an activated program.

 New methods of testing for proteins in blood plasma have been introduced with a very high and new technology (NEPHELOMETRY), as this method is more accurate for results and faster in the time required for the examination.

 In the context of development and modernization, a special examination laboratory was created to conduct a set of laboratory tests that need special techniques and are not routinely performed, as the department receives samples from all regions of the north of the Kingdom and performs the diagnosis of viral and bacterial diseases and cancers with a very high technology such as PCR and includes the tests related to partial work (DNA-RNA), HLA examination, and special chemistry tests such as metaphene, G6PD, and PROTIENE ELECTRPOHRESES to detect some types of tumors.

 The Laboratory of Molecular Pathology (PCR) is one of the very modern technologies that develops and reveals the new throughout the day, week and month, since it is a technique that deals with the genetic material

 DNA, which is known as the DNA present in the cell nucleus of a person, animal or plant. This technique is done by isolating and extracting the DNA (RNA-DNA) of the disease-causing organism (such as viruses and parasites) by taking a sample from the patient

Among the diseases that are detected by this technology, for example, but not limited to the following:

  •  Infectious diseases
  •  Genetic Disease
  •  Hematology and tumors

 This modern technology for accurate laboratory analyzes of diseases has helped in many important changes in the field of health care applications, including, for example:

  •  Discovering diseases in the initial stages of infection (even if the patient did not show any symptoms)
  •  Helped shorten the time to see results
  •  I helped in the field of genetic modification, which led to the development of interferons that protect cells from certain viruses, as well as the development of proteins in blood clotting and the development of vaccines against viruses
  •  Organ transplantation analysis (HLA), where the laboratory performs all the necessary analyzes for patients in need of organ transplantation such as kidney, liver and bone marrow, where the patient and the donor, whether from relatives or from the brain deceased, are examined to know the quality of the tissues and the extent of their conformity and the likelihood of the success of the transplant before the operation and then follow up the patient's condition After planting.
  •  This division also carries out the necessary analyzes for spouses in cases of recurrent miscarriage, in addition to examinations for diseases related to immunity, using the most accurate and up-to-date methods and techniques.
  •  The Division endeavors to maintain the turn around time for some of the Division's most requested examinations.
  •  The division is striving to provide a fully automated Elisa.
ISO 9001
ISO 22000